Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Invisalign Claustrophobia

March 14...

I never really thought I'd have issues with claustrophobia -until I had Invisalign trays inserted in both my upper and lower teeth.

Sometimes the waves of anxiety rise and fall, but when they rise, I just want to yank these suckers out. Ever see your dog pull at the bandages after getting stitches because he got into something stupid? That's how I feel.

After 2 days, I'm learning how much I don't like taking out the bottom trays -they smart, bringing tears to my eyes. However, sleeping is proving beneficial -I'm not chewing, gnashing, or otherwise pulling on the trays. Perhaps I'll sleep thru the rest of the year when the Invisalign comes to term.

I'm a big baby when it comes to pain and thought I had a pretty good pain threshold, but I also know I'm not big on anyone playing in my mouth.

Ahh, the price of vanity. Okay, it's not vanity, it's actually a medical necessity at this point, but I'd like to think that I'm a diva awaiting her closeup after the full treatment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EC, it's very unfortunate that you're experiencing some pain with your invisalign. Most dental web site, marketing such products allow re-adjustments of the trays to lessen the patient's inconvenience.

Invisalign is a famous dental treatment because of its excellent design. Dental experts recommend such procedures since it is custom made and very comfortable.

I really hope that adjustments can still be done to help you. Hoping for the best. Good luck!